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Showing 16–25 of 25 results
1* K3 Autopilot 1* 3pin GPS 1* 4pin GPS 1* PMU 1* K3 Link Cable 1* K3 LED
K++ Autopilot- 1 3pin GPS- 1 PMU- 1 K++ Link Cable- 1 K++ LED- 1
Package Includes:
Only One Piece of JIYI K3 Apro Autopilot for E410P, E610P and E616P Frame.
Only One Piece of JIYI K++ Autopilot for E410P, E610P and E616P Frame.
Only One Piece of JIYI 3pin GPS.
Only One piece of JIYI 4pin GPS
Only one piece of JIYI Pmu for K3 apro fc or K++ fc
Only One Handheld GPS
Only for JIYI K++ Can Hub for E410P, E610P and E616P Frame.
Only One piece JIYI Terrain Following radar